LM358 Subckt for LTspice

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New Member
Hi, I'm new at this forum and to LTspice.
I need to know how to build either a new model or a sub-circuit for the LM358 device. Once I have the file LTspice manual tells me how to include it into the simulation.
Thanks in advance for any input on this question.
Does the Spice model show the severe noise, terrible crossover distortion and poor high frequency response and poor slew rate of that horrible LM358 opamp?
Does the Spice model show the severe noise, terrible crossover distortion and poor high frequency response and poor slew rate of that horrible LM358 opamp?

Buyer beware on all spice models. Often trade secrets result in reduced
completeness of spice models.

One good example, many RRIO spice models do not accurately reflect crossover
issues in input diff stage switch over between N and P MOS fets used.

Regards, Dana.
Well you gave it to me, so don't you know? LTspice software does not show a model for the LM358, maybe that's the reason.
Which model should I use instead? Apparently the 158, 258, 358 and the 158A, 258A, 358A all have similar properties according to the Data sheet. The selection was part of a RF Power Meter kit that supposedly worked quiet well; that's why I'm using it.
I have not yet got to it since I have some more "honey do's" to do before I get to it.


  • Low-power dual operational amplifiers.pdf
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You are using a copycat (by ST micro) datasheet of the LMx58 dual opamp originally made many years ago by National Semi (recently bought by Texas Instruments).
The copy might have errors so you should look at the original datasheet from Texas Instruments, and I recommend using the original part.
The datasheet shows that the LM358 ha a fairly wide range of specs and can be used at a reasonable temperature and the LM258 and LM158 have much tighter specs and can be used over a wider temperature range (and cost more for them). The "A" versions have even tighter specs and higher cost.

LTspice shows opamps made by LT (Linear Technology) recently bought by Analog Devices.

Spice models are under the purview of the vendor, in the future I will
supply URL and you can choose if its valid or not, you can take responsibility
for the model and its completeness. Better yet you can do what I did, googled
"LMN358 Spice Model" and enjoy. Then contact the vendor at the URL site and
ask if model is legit.

Regards, Dana.

Just noticed I did provide the URL.....
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