lm386 quick/easy test circuit?

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hi all

I have built the circuit shown below (audio amplifier using lm386). Replaced the chip today after i had destroyed the last one due to stupidly supplying wrong voltage polarities. I also added a diode to protect it, but as i connected it the chip gets hot aswell theres was smoke that came from the diode. 12v.

Is there an easy test circuit i can use to determin if me ic has blown again?
Anyone might think of the problem?



  • main-image.gif
    850 bytes · Views: 527
If you got the power backwards (happens to everyone) you usually blow the chip, sorry. Get a new one.
The simple gain of 20 audio amp shown on the spec sheet is about as simple test circuit as you could make.**broken link removed**
The schematic that you attached didn't appear. Please attach it again so we can see what it is missing.
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