LM393 comparator output does not attain 'high'


In the schematic attached, comparator LM393 (IC2A) does not attain more than 3.4V when driven high (Vcc = 18Vdc).

The output (pin 1) does turn to 0V when pin 3 voltage is lower than pin 2.
However, in the other case the output does not even attain 1/4 of Vcc.

How to remedy?

Edit: the output on pin 1 also serves as a sink for LED1. Which must turn on when pin 3 goes low, and turn off when pin 3 goes high.


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Is it me? I don't do analogue, bu!!! Vref path is sitting at 70uA R1 and R2 should equal around 14k Will this work with 10 times lower current?

Sitting down now just in case I get blown out the water!!!
I guess that something is oscillating.

Does the LED light when it shouldn't?
I just put the scope on pin 1: indeed, plenty of oscillations: 400ns period, 5vpp on pin 1.

When pin 3 is low (0V), then no oscillations, and the LED turn (correctly) bright.

I set up the LM393 in lab conditions, with LED and series 4k7, and then it behaves as it should: clean on or off. And pin 1 all the way to near Vcc.

Pin 3 (input +), connected to pin 4 (LM723) cannot be interfered with (because pin 4 is crucial to current sensing circuit in the LM723);
There is of course a difference in LED brightness when LM393 pin 1 is low, versus oscillating.

Hard to see for me how to solve this right now.
There is no power supply decoupling around IC1. Depending on the IC's internal circuit, a high source impedance for Vcc (and "high' in this case can be just a few ohms) can create either a positive or negative feedback path backwards through the circuit, disrupting normal operation. One chip can put enough noise on a power rail to disrupt another chip.

Power supply circuits need heavy decoupling. Each IC should have a 0.1 uF ceramic or stacked metal film cap between its power pins, as close as possible with short leads. In parallel with this add a 10 uF to 47 uF electrolytic.

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