Locally saved Datasheet collection

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im a little concerned with the internet kill switch legislation that was passed a few weeks ago, it means we could loose access too all the data-sheets... etc

this is a big problem as i tend to make use of virtually all recycled components which cannot be recognized any other way,

Does anyone know where you can download such an archive ?, like you can of Wikipedia

thankyou for your input,

PS if manufactures make a list of theirs avaliable somewere i would be happy to compile a collection and upload it too .torrent
I have not heard of this legislation yet. Where are you located?
I, too, use mainly recycled components that I remove from old circuit boards, and if I lose online datasheets I will be completely lost. I'm not sure if Alldatasheet (the site I usually use) has an archive that you can download, but it might be worth checking it out.
Der Strom
im a little concerned with the internet kill switch legislation that was passed a few weeks ago,

Nothing was passed, where did you get that information? This legislation in one form or another seems to surface every now and then and despite several surfacings has yet to go much of anywhere. Even on the off chance that something like this did come up for a vote it would likely fail.

Next, even if you could download a billion data sheets where exactly would you plan to store them?

<EDIT> @DerStorm8, if you Google it (Internet Kill Switch Legislation) you will get dozens of hits. See, I knew it, this was all secretly kept from Vermont. </EDIT>

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Hi. I've a litte concern about another thing.

There is a LOT of datasheets and service manuals that only exists on physically paper. In case of fire or aging, they will be lost forever.
My concern is that they doesn't exist on internet and some day all printed version of a datasheet will cease to exist.

And yes, I sometimes get in touch with old parts that cannot be identified (almost exclusively IC's).
here is the article i read regarding the kill switch

**broken link removed**

it seems i must have gotten it confused with another bit of legislation the US liberty's, sorry for the confusion, still concerned however and if anybody knows a solution too downloading a collection of freeware datasheets we are still interested !
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