locating a robot tank with chain tracks

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New Member
i saw here some time ago a link to a tank what had nice chain made tracks. can anyone give me that link or direct me to it?
nope i want that exact tank. i love that tank and want to have a closer look at it. i dont want to nor build buy tracs i just want to look at this beuty

When you post a thread like the above one then you will get some respect from me. In the mean time, work on the aforementioned thread.


I am going to have the pictures up soon, Were is your robots? All you do is talk **** but have nothing to prove. Come on put up a picture of one of your creations, or is it that you don't have any. You need to shut your god dam mouth and stop talking **** when you got nothing.

Why don't you grow up and get a life instead of critsizing?
My robot body will be done soon so shut your mouth up.
Re: reply

Roboticinfo said:
Come on put up a picture of one of your creations, or is it that you don't have any. You need to shut your god dam mouth and stop talking [bleep] when you got nothing
Did YOU just say all that?
Did YOU just tell someone to "shut your mouth and stop talking [bleep] when you got nothing"?
Well there's been heaps of talk of this great forum turning into a slanging match. One quote is "you need fuel to stoke a fire" . No disrespect Roboticinfo but that quote is aimed at you. If you simply ignore those spitefull comments maybe they will stop. It's a shame that everytime I view this forum there's some sort of slanging going on and roboticinfo is usually in the centre.
Come on guys an gals give the bloke a fair go and lets get back to the subject helping people out instead of bagging them.

Once again roboticinfo sorry if I offend you

Cheers Bryan

I was not doing anything wrong I was just stating that when I was done with the robot I would put it up. I wanted to make a post in advanced before I put it on there and of course someone had to start something. All I mentioned was what my friend wanted and I will be done with it in like 4 days but now about three, but only the body. Then someone had to make a very rude comment and said that I should be thrown of this forum.
When the fact is that he needs to get thrown off this site because he is a newbie it nay not say it by his avatar but it is what it is.

I don't start anything people start stuff with me and I just reply with my thoughts.
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