Location Based Advertising For Public Transport

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New Member
Hello everyone, I'm thinking of doing a project on Location Based Advertising(For Public Transport) but I'm a complete beginner at practical/projects. I have the basic idea of what i need to do but i really don't know how to do it.

I'm doing this for a minor project so I'm currently making only a smaller component of a bigger project so i can later add more functionality and use it as my major project.

What I want my project to do:

(I'm gonna set it up in my car to begin with)

-Identify between three locations, say - A, B, & C. I am using a 5 km distance covering three different locations. I will take different paths and move my car within this path
-Show rotating ads of a particular location until it gets a new location.
-The ads would be shows on a dot matrix display

What i think i need to do:

-The 8051 gets data from a GPS receiver(Interfacing)
-Map it to a name of a location (A, B or C)(Programming)
-Map the name to ads from that location(Programming)
-Display the ads on the dot matrix display (Interfacing)

ie. [GPS->Programmed 8051->Dot Matrix]

What I'm confused with:

-Is the above (what-i-think-i-need-to-do-list) correct or have i missed something?
-What do i need for a GPS - module or receiver : is there a difference?
-What is it's output - {Latitude, Longitude}?
-Can i keep a table in the programming that maps the {lat, long} -> {location name} -> {ads from location}
-If not, how do i do it?
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