Loch Ness Monster Identified in Georgia Strait

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Bob Scott

New Member
Old accepted photo of Nessie:

Seen in Georgia Strait:

Just a Killer Whale fin. Loch Ness IS open to the ocean.
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Connected by rivers though, could one have traversed it? It's not exactly a short jaunt. Does make sense though.
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So:If one is Nessie, the other is one is Georgie? As the earth is flat, Georgie would not have been able to get to Edinbourogh. Besides who would want to go there!
Luv that place! E
The River Ness is only about 10km in length, so it is not very far from the north end of the loch to the sea.
However, there are several sections where the river is quite shallow and I am sure that a Killer Whale would have great difficulty in navigating from the sea to the loch.

There is of course an alternative route used by various medium sized boats, the Caledonian Canal, which runs parallel to the river for most of the way from the loch to the sea.
The problem with that is, I don't think that a whale would go un-noticed passing through the locks!

After a LOT of time for thought, there is one logical conclusion: That the old original accepted picture of Nessie was not taken near Loch Ness either. The photo was taken of a whale fin in the ocean and planted in the media by local Scot's Chambers of Commerce in order to attract tourist money, just like our own Ogo Pogo, the Abominable Snowman and the Sasquatch.
Here in Vermont we've got a legend of a Nessie-type creature who lives in Lake Champlain. We call him Champ. I've never actually seen him, but to be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if he was real, and even if he and Nessie were one and the same. There are theories that there are large underwater tunnels through which Nessie/Champ can swim from one place to another. Heck, why not?

Nothing is going to convince me that the Loch Ness Monster doesn't/didn't ever exist. JMO
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Here on this part of world, there's an old legend that says there lives a creature in the ocean that have a head that looks like a big horse head.

Have never get that story told by anybody that still lives, so unfortunately the details about it's looking is vague.

A telling says that the creature was spotted from a whale boat near the northern ice boundary early 1900 sometime. Because of economy and the price for a harpoon, they decide to not capture it. It was not considered as source for income.
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