logic circuit do strange things

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New Member

I have made a logic circuit for driving my robot.
But I have some strange outputs that I can't explain.

When I set MES high and than I start the output LED5 goos off
When I start and than set mes high it stays on until I make BV or BA high.

All inputs have a pull down of 220R and a capacitator of 10uF
Also all the IC have a capacitor of 100nF

So the problem is that the NOR 8.4 reset the output LED5

Any sugestions to solve this problem?

Thanks in advance.


  • Schema 25 nov 2011.JPG
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  • 2011a.png
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So the problem is that the NOR 8.4 reset the output LED5
There is no "NOR 8.4" in your schematic.

Also I kindly suggest that you scae your image down. By using ex. IrfanView I can easilly scale the image down to 1600x1200 px and save it. Resulting file takes one thirtheenth of the space (approx 200kB) and is more easy to read (I have to scroll in FIrefox to read your image, unless I download it - yes i did).
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