logic states

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jovabiot said:
witch is the reason for explain that high and low level in a digital signalsare not the same?

I don't really understand what you are asking?, but a digital signal is basically ON or OFF, a light switch is a good example.
Hmm ... is this a trick question?
Maybe because it is intentionally made different so that we can discern between them.
excuse me

excuse me. The question is why the high and low level haven't the same time in some logic families??
Re: excuse me

jovabiot said:
excuse me. The question is why the high and low level haven't the same time in some logic families??
Hmm ... I for one have no idea what you want to ask about. Please formulate your questions appropriately, preferably with more depth, to save on the huh-work around.
also, if you could give specific examples, it would help.

Start from the start. Post your question again, and (as checkmate suggested) in as much detail as possible.

As you perhaps talking about the reaction times of various logic families?
my problem is, that i introduce a digital signal of 20ns of time of bit in an inversor, and at the output the '1' is 18ns and the '0' 22ns, and alwais the ones are shorter then zeros. WHY??
ok well that gave me a head-ache reading that??

are you asking why a logic gate has a different rise-time to fall-time?
not the rise and fall times, but the logic states at the output of a gate haven't the same time. if a introducy a clock siganl with a duty of 50%, at the output it isn't 50%.
i think he is talking about gate propagation delay

this is common in digital circuits and certainly in logic ICs. there is a certain amount of time delay between the input and the output. this is due to the internal capacitance effects. and this cant be equal for two ICs of the same type and even for two signals.

why are u digging that deep. its only a difference of 4ns :lol:
not the rise and fall times, but the logic states at the output of a gate haven't the same time. if a introducy a clock siganl with a duty of 50%, at the output it isn't 50%.

thats also due to the internal defects of logic gate ICs
Its common in analogue circuits too. ie: Audio is delayed during processing in VCR's and TV's , but the video is not. Since the video signal path is longer than the audio path, a delay is required to "resync" the two at the output. For example, if it were not, the sound would appear before an actors lips moved, by just enough to be distracting.

This is actually an entire field of engineering almost on its own, since it has effects on all signal transfer, from telephone, to computers to wireless.

Not really your answer, but food for thought.
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