Long time no txt!!!

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How has everyone been?

I hope people still remember me

Welcome back (shaneshane) glad to see you.

Stayed up to late again last night. Cleaned up all my internet temp files then re-typed the elctro-tech url this morning. But I missed the second dash and put ( . ) no electro- tech.

It felt weird to not be able to get on the site. I never realized how dependent I've become on the (site) and how much I enjoy spending time reading these threads.

I think I need to get a life. ha ha

Nah..... I just need another breadboard.

If I ever loose my bookmarks, I Google for this site's name along with a few members' names and find this site pretty quickly.
If I ever loose my bookmarks, I Google for this site's name along with a few members' names and find this site pretty quickly.

My trouble is the house computer is convenient. It's right there in the kitchen but the Kids and all use it. I do a regular removal of content stored in it saves time in the long run to keep all the ad-crap files out that bugger everything up.

I use maybe four computers at a time. The work computer is setup like that. I just suddenly thought ........ ? Hey what would life be like if it weren't here ?

Pretty Soon I'll be busy again and won't have the time I hope all of you will still be here ! When I get back.

Seems like a lot of things happen in a short period of time.


Know what you mean. I've had lots of school work so far this year and haven't had time to do much else!!

P.S. Welcome back shaneshane1
Just copy & paste the FAVORITES folder onto a memory stick, or second HDD in your PC.
Proably not mstechca went off in a strop and Walters was banned for being an idiot.

Why do keep mentioning them?

I bet a small part of you wants them to return purely for comdey value, come to think of it I agree.
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I bet a small part of you wants them to return purely for comdey value, come to think of it I agree.

Yes pure comedy, they're old threads still make me laugh.

At least they weren't building HHO stuff.
mstechca invented the supergen radio and Walters wanted to mod his "geetar"
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