Look what this Jackass is trying to pull..

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New Member

I was watching some guitar videos on youtube when I noticed this comment was being left in almost all of the videos Id seen:

SandeeLovato (23 hours ago)
Get your buckethead killswitch guitar mod from eBay member kittyisshopping. Just do a search for sellers: kittyisshopping

So I then proceeded to check it out..

The kill switch is used by a guitarist named Buckethead, it basically is just a momentary push button that 'kills' the guitar signal by shorting the output to ground.

When I found the eBay **broken link removed**I was shocked to the least..

He is trying to sell (1) yes, just one of those cheap crumby 50cent push button switches you can get from Radioshack .. get this.. with a 'buy it now' price of
US $35.00!!!!!!

So I sent him a message asking him why he would even think of ripping kids off like this.. this is what he say:

Talk to the low life I paid $66 bucks to for mine and kiss my ass. By the way, they aren't 50 cents and I am selling them for $1.00. This doesnt consern you!

So, ya I coulda just stopped there but this sort of BS really makes me mad, I actually found the auction where he did indeed pay $60 for a switch.. LOL

**broken link removed** it is.

Looking at the bid history.. it really is his fault.. This guy makes my tool of the day.

Judge for yourself.. do two wrongs make a right?.. let him know what you think Hopefully his guilty conscience will stop him from doing this in the future.
That's one reason I don't buy/sell Ebay anymore. One day you win a great deal, few days later you are having a bad day...

Pretty amusing that both sellers have almost no negetive feedback, and no conscience. Maybe it's a good deal, if it includes detailed instructions, writen with the mentality of a purchaser who doesn't mind paying $30+, and shipping for a 50 cent part (seen those 5/$1 surplus). Maybe BucketHead gets some of the money for using his name...

I think of Ebay, like I do for gambling. Sometimes it works great, but sux when it doesn't. If you bet on a sports game with somebody you work with, win, how much trouble to go through in collecting? If you get burned on Ebay, how much time and agrevation is it worth to recover $30? I think most people just walk away, and let it go. This is why the scammers get away with it, and more people are willing to do the same. When sellers start getting charged with fraud, even for the smallest scams, then it might stop. But the courts aren't going to waste time over a $30 dispute...

This would make a cool website or blog, the dark side of Ebay...
Peter_wadley said:
Judge for yourself.. do two wrongs make a right?.. let him know what you think Hopefully his guilty conscience will stop him from doing this in the future.

No, but it does displace the wrong to someone else. It's understandable he'd to recover his losses. Better than just sitting there sucking it up.
I know what you mean Harvey..

In April I won an auction for an electronic drum module (Roland) I paid the guy $200 the next day... It has been 4 months and ive yet to receive my item nor my refund! He lives in hawaii to boot..

F ebay.

They wouldnt help me. I filed an ebay dispute after a month.. thinking that I was going to be able to get the buyer protection policy because I paid with paypal..

get this.. On the auction page it says : If a dispute is filed within 45days buyer protection is elligible.. I filed in 30 days..

Then they tell me "You needed to file with the paypal dispute not the eBay.. LOL

Even though paypal is a sister company of eBay they left me up **** creek.

In the event of a problem ebay likes to pretend it isnt a multi billion dollar company and hide behind the cover of the internet. its sad really.

anyone who has sold over ebay knows exactly why it is such a lucrative buisness! .. hidden fees everywhere.. their currency conversions are terrible.. paypal actually charges you to recieve payment.. god I hate the company so much.

however i must admit that you can grab some pretty amazing deals on electronics from legit sellers (I only buy from sellers with over 1000 feedback + 100% rating)

sorry for ranting.
stupid ass. Thats what he gets for being a complete retard. He should go kill himself.
I would agree that eBay is a form of gambling. This is why I don't buy expensive items from ebay and I try to only buy from sellers in the UK and insist on a 100% rating so there's a very low chance of being ripped-off.
I usually only use Ebay to buy things that aren't available anymore. A couple months ago it was several sets of Fatal Frame games for the PS2, and right now I'm stocking up on Gameboy cameras.
The pushbutton has high current silver contacts. After a couple of months the silver turns black and doesn't conduct low level signals anymore. A high current spark is what keeps it working.

Low level signals need a switch with gold contacts. It costs only pennies more.
eBay is full of scams like that. One of them is the SuperMod swing kit used in Citizen Band radios. It promises to add extra swing to the modulated carrier. Now the quality SuperMod kits are made up of a variety of components that alter the carrier swing. This eBay scam kit consists of one capacitor that is used as a stage coupler in the audio section to increase bass response, therby increasing modulation in exchange for distortion. Folks are paying upwards of $15-$25 plus shipping for a single electrolytic cap!

someone actually just won the auction for $18!!!

i feel so sorry for them.

Well looks like this seller is in the money now..

I emailed the winning bidder telling him hes getting ripped off.. gave him this link


I know its really not my buisness but hell anyone could be getting ripped from this guy.

Im sure if you were to complain to ebay they wont even give a flying F either.

All they want is that lousy $4 profit.
Peter_wadley said:
Im sure if you were to complain to ebay they wont even give a flying F either.

All they want is that lousy $4 profit.

Other people's idiocy is not their problem.
dknguyen said:
Other people's idiocy is not their problem.

Yes that is very true. The bidder is an idiot.. and im sure there are at least one hundred million more out there willing to bid.
Well looking at that particular switch as well as the hyped up graphics and text, it's little wonder that the whole thing is a sham. Definitely immoral but perhaps not illegal if represented properly. If I were to list one ad selling a standard magnifying glass for $1.00 then list it again under the title: solar intensifier lense for burning objects- $10.00, then it's really up to the bidder to do their homework to differentiate between the two.
The really sad part is how many decent guitars will get hacked to install that silly, very cheap switch. It has no place on any decent brand guitar and ruins the value. The very same effect could be built into a foot pedal that the guitar plugs into.
The wrong part of this whole line of thinking, is that the seller is specifically targeting people with little knowledge, or overly trusting. The seller knows that anyone with the slightest knowledge of electronics wouldn't even consider bidding. It's the criminal intent that makes it wrong, it's preditory. They are intentially fishing for victims.

How would you feel if you find out some of the great Ebay deals you been getting, were more of an information gathering scam. You get a great price, but you name, phone number, billing information is up for sale?

Shipping charges are also a huge scam on Ebay. Good price on the item, but add in the shipping and you could have saved money ordering the same item from an online store, and gotten some sort of customer service.

I done buy Ebay, but if I can't find product information, like who made a part, it's sometimes useful. Also kind of a good indicator if something is junk or a good value. If a reasonably new model digital camera shows up in dozens of auctions...
There are a lot of jackass's trying to rip people off with guitar gear. Half the guitars on eBay are cheap copies of $2000 guitars made in China for a tenth of the original price.
Violins too, though not as bad since the steepness of the quality vs price curve compared to guitars makes it a bit easier to tell.
I'd love to pull a scam and not get caught, but not a dirty scam like this. I'd like to pull a scam that defrauds fat cats out of a reasonable amount of money and donate most of it to charity.
I can't remember the name of the guy in nursery rhymes who robbed the rich and gave it to the poor.
Did the rich shoot him and chop off his head?
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