looking for a pic code writer,

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New Member
I am looking for someone who could write some code for me,

what i need is the following:

upon a switch being turned on a timer will start counting, it will count until it gets to 3 hours and then send a short pulse (2 seconds or so) it will then start counting again for another 3 hours and send a pulse again. this will happen indefinatly while switched on.

Now when the switch is turned off i need it to stop counting but remember where it stopped, so that when the switch is put back on again it carries on from where it left off.

just for visual effect, i also would like it to have a small led that flashes once every 20 seconds or so just to tell me the pic is working.

the pic i want to use is a pic16LF1827, i have read that it is pretty much the same as the pic16f628 only the reason i want this chip is because of its extreme low power consumption. (critical in my application)

im not sure how these chips work but if the switch is off for more than 1 min i want the chip to goto sleep, it will then awake and continue its counting when the switch is put back on.

i hope this makes sense, i can explain in a bit more detail should someone want to do this.

i dont have a lot of money spare but i will pay someone for there time/effort on this

What is the average current consumption you require? The LED will be using the most current anyway. And how much do you pay?
current consumption as low as possible, i chose that chip as its sleep consumption is 20nA or somewhere in that region.
when active no more than about 80mA i would hope.

you would have to tell me what you would want for the project, havnt a clue
when active no more than about 80mA i would hope.
do you mean 80uA? 80mA is certainly not ultra-low power

What is the _average_ current consumption you would like?
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well the led i plan to use is 2ma, this just blinks every 20 seconds so will be negligable.
the chip consumption is about 50na

the bit where i want it to run in low power is when it goes to sleep, as it will be powered by a supercap
i dont have a schematic. while its running it has constant power from a fuel cell, when the fuel cell stops it gets powered by the super cap
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