Looking for colleges....

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hello I dont know where to ask this question...but I am like really confused right now.
I am doing Btech in electronics and communication eng from IIIT Allahabad,India. I am currently in third yr and I am an average student.
I want to go for higher studies abroad ..ms from us colleges..but being an average student it is quite difficult for me to get into good college like mit,illinois,texas and so many. Also I know the expenses are quite large.
So can anyone tell me some colleges where it will cost me less and also the college is good..like i checked minnesota uni tution fee is very reasonble...its $27,000 for the entire course (well ofcourse mit fee is reasonable according to its value)..also how hard is it to get RA/TA and are they of much help...
so if anyone has any sort of suggestion for me..please do share I am so confused right....I do want to go for higher studies..
Hate to let this thread die on the vine...


Irrespective of your choice of school, you will have a very difficult time getting accepted to a "good" higher level school with only an "average student" academic position.

Now, if your only goal is an academic achievement (MS), then any school will do.

If, however, your goal is academic excellence, then my best (and most honest) suggestion is to put a maximum effort into getting your grade average significantly improved between now, in your third year, and during your final year.
Irrespective of your choice of school, you will have a very difficult time getting accepted to a "good" higher level school with only an "average student" academic position.

I would agree - it's unlikely any decent Uni (or indeed any Uni at all?) would accept only an 'average' student on a Post Doctoral course.

I'm presuming a BTech in India is similar to a BA in the UK?.

my goal is academic excellence... and really thanks for this honest suggestion.
see my grades are quite good in college (9.4 on scale of 10) but what i feel i lack practical knowledge in comparision with few students of my batch..if its only about grade then no problem......once i give gre...what are other things that university consider for admission...do they consider projects/competition won etc?
I would agree - it's unlikely any decent Uni (or indeed any Uni at all?) would accept only an 'average' student on a Post Doctoral course.

I'm presuming a BTech in India is similar to a BA in the UK?.
ohhk..so what are your plans for future job or higher studies..??
and may i know from which college?
ohhk..so what are your plans for future job or higher studies..??
and may i know from which college?

I'm too old for such things

But my daughter is just coming towards the end of the first year of her Phd (in Chemistry) at a top UK Uni (Durham) - in order to gain such a place you have to have excellent prior qualifications (she has a First Class Masters Degree, from York - another top Uni), a good CV (she has an excellent CV, including a year working in Industry in the Netherlands), and good references (never seen them, but her professor at York and employer in the Netherlands both gave her excellent references - and the girl who showed her round at Durham commented "So you're the girl with the 'references'"). Along with all that you have to be interviewed, sell yourself at interview, and then finally offered a place.

So I'm very familiar with the requirements for Post Graduate places

Starting off saying you're "an average student" isn't a good idea, only exceptional students are likely to win Post Graduate places.

If you feel weak in that area maybe an Internship could provide practical experience; practical knowledge is gained by using your general knowledge and build from there. You will be more confident when you apply what you think you know; plus it looks good on a resume. As long as it doesn't interfere with your studies; maybe it's a good idea. I'm sure how Nigel or cowboybob might think of it; often I see them suggesting students get some hands on experience to go along with their studies. It's the practical application approach.

(While I was typing this, kv posted his suggestions. I'll leave what I have written, which expands of his post).

Competition for graduate level positions is, as you might guess, intense.

Any and all achievements, however tangential to your academic goals, add up in the mind of the applicant's reviewer(s).

Given your remaining time frame remaining in the BA level, I'd suggest you begin immediately to gather the practical experience you mention. Part time jobs. Volunteer jobs. Internships (as kv noted). Anything that will give you exposure relevant to your career (or academic) goals.

You are in the process of gathering the elementary background information on electronics and communications. Do the above with an eye to the current state of the art. By doing this you would, hopefully, be able to suggest to the school(s) the thrust of your thesis goal. They like stuff like that.
ohhk.. thanks for suggestion.....your daughter is extremely brilliant
Can't you pursue the Mtech or MS in India? the government spends a whole lot for the facilities there and for your degree, So its your duty to return the favor. IHO don't migrate away from your mother nation. Every youth have the potential to make a difference. Its purely my opinion and I don't want you to get offended or hurt.
@kv and cowboybob : getting intership from oncampus basis on ece atream is quite difficult in my college ..yes i am trying for off campus..i am working on two projects this semsters....do projects help
so basiclly i have started preparing for gre
i have done a training in university
i have made one project (animatronic hand)
i am working on two projects this semester
and i need recomendation ..
if i am able to do all these things in excellent way (just assume...i m optimist)then i will surely end up in good college na?
I was looking for univesities..mit,stanford out of my reach.....california,texas,minnesota ..i am considering these ...
can someone suggest me something about ms (electronics and comm) courses in uk?
yeah ..even i dont want to leave my mother country...who wants....but yeah if i can do better outside then i want to grab the oppprtunity

Here's a list of Post Grad courses at York University, when you search for 'electronics':


And this is what it says (pretty vaguely) about your required qualifications:

Taught degrees

Students applying for postgraduate taught programmes should normally have obtained at least a second class honours degree (or equivalent). You should be aware that some programmes require a higher academic entry requirement so please refer to specific programme listings and check the individual programmes.

Research degrees

Students applying for postgraduate research programmes should normally have obtained an upper second class honours degree (or equivalent). For research degree applications, please ensure you have consulted the departmental research pages so you can identify research areas of interest and relevant academic supervisors. This is to ensure a proper match between you and your prospective supervisor.

And here are some details about what it costs (ouch!):


Incidentally, my daughter is doing a funded Phd - so she doesn't pay anything, and actually gets paid about £14,000 a year while doing it.
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