Yes, it's quite tricky to get the oscillator speeds set correctly - particularly for 32MHz, as it's not just a matter of the config fuses, you have to set registers as well. Here's the C routine for setting mine to 32MHz, generated by MCC.
Thanks, Bob. The '1703 clock setup is rather tame compared to the 15000 and 18000 series. Like Nigel's example, I let MCC setup the clock for me on a 16F15325 project and copied and pasted the settings into my source file.
I also wanted bit-level control of the Power Management module control registers which involved a little bit of research. However, now it's easier (for me) to identify and turn individual peripherals on or off.
void main()
{ PMD0 = 0<<_PMD0_SYSCMD_POSN | // Clock network 'on'
1<<_PMD0_FVRMD_POSN | // FVR module off
0<<_PMD0_NVMMD_POSN | // NVM module 'on'
1<<_PMD0_CLKRMD_POSN | // CLKR module off
1<<_PMD0_IOCMD_POSN; // IOC module off
PMD1 = 1<<_PMD1_NCOMD_POSN | // NCO module off
1<<_PMD1_TMR2MD_POSN | // TMR2 module off
1<<_PMD1_TMR1MD_POSN | // TMR1 module off
1<<_PMD1_TMR0MD_POSN; // TMR0 module off
PMD2 = 1<<_PMD2_DAC1MD_POSN | // DAC1 module off
1<<_PMD2_ADCMD_POSN | // ADC module off
1<<_PMD2_CMP2MD_POSN | // C2 module off
1<<_PMD2_CMP1MD_POSN | // C1 module off
1<<_PMD2_ZCDMD_POSN; // ZCD module off
PMD3 = 1<<_PMD3_PWM6MD_POSN | // PWM6 module off
1<<_PMD3_PWM5MD_POSN | // PWM5 module off
1<<_PMD3_PWM4MD_POSN | // PWM4 module off
1<<_PMD3_PWM3MD_POSN | // PWM3 module off
1<<_PMD3_CCP2MD_POSN | // CCP2 module off
1<<_PMD3_CCP1MD_POSN; // CCP1 module off
PMD4 = 1<<_PMD4_UART2MD_POSN | // UART2 module off
1<<_PMD4_UART1MD_POSN | // UART1 module off
1<<_PMD4_MSSP1MD_POSN | // MSSP1 module off
1<<_PMD4_CWG1MD_POSN; // CWG1 module off
PMD5 = 1<<_PMD5_CLC4MD_POSN | // CLC4 module off
1<<_PMD5_CLC3MD_POSN | // CLC3 module off
1<<_PMD5_CLC2MD_POSN | // CLC2 module off
1<<_PMD5_CLC1MD_POSN; // CLC1 module off
Gosh, these chips are getting quite sophisticated and it's taking me a lot longer to setup my projects.
Yes. In the end, there wasn't much to it. The 32 MHz setting was a bit puzzling though, because of 4xPLL setting requirements, that weren't completely obvious. Since this was my first experience with the enhanced midrange line, it was a bit daunting, seeing the large number of various configuration registers. In the end, most of them could be ignored.
I will mention one thing that may save people some problems: Disable the slew rate limiting on the output pins until you're sure that it won't cause any problems. I found that this slowed the rise time too much on some output lines that were used for clocking external devices.
One gotcha that I'm sure you are aware of, but in case someone else is not, is the speed the internal oscillator defaults to under a reset such as being programmed from an ICSP. In the case of the PIC16F1703 the default speed is 500kHz. I don't use this particular micro, but I have used plenty of others to be aware of this.
"Following any Reset, the IRCF<3:0> bitsof the OSCCON register are set to ‘0111’ and the frequency selection is set to 500 kHz. The user can modify the IRCF bits to select a different frequency."