Looking for LED display ideas

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I have device that currently uses AVAGO HCMS-2903 LED display
4 segments 5x7 matix, each segment about 3.8 mm high.

It works great, but very expensive, more than $17 each
Do you know any similar devices?

It must work in dark areas, have 4 segments.
Intereface does not really matter as it used with microcontroller and I can change communications as long as it cheap.



  • HCMS-2901,HCMS-2902,HCMS-2903.jpg
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Does it have to be alphanumeric or is it just numbers? Can you live with 7-segment led displays? (btw - what you're calling a "segment" is a "character")
Any such modules with integrated interfaces tend be in that price range, so you will have to consider individual LEDs or display digits for a lower price.

Perhaps these alphanumeric digits, or similar
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combined with charlieplexing as described here:
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If you just need a 7-segment display, look at something like the LTC-4727 or the LTC-4627. Those are designed for clocks. If you don't want a clock display, just go to mouser.com or digikey.com and do a search for 7-segment displays. There are a lot of options available.
This is correcet I need to display at least 4 characters at the same time.

Unfortunately 7 segment display will not work, I need to display alpha-numeric characters, that is why I need 5x7 matrix.

Clock displays will not work, they usually too big, I need 3 to 5 mm letter height.

just go to mouser.com or digikey.com and do a search
I did and I see avago is the only available, like I said 7-segment is not an option at this time.
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