looking for LED with specific spec!!!!!

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New Member
I have search over the net for few days but i coudnt manage to find the LED with spec i wanted.

1. 120 degree viewing angle
2. Colour : orange/green/red/yellow
3. luminous intensity : >400 mcd
4. Forward current <= 20mA

If anyone know any LED that match the spec..pls tell me.. thanks first.
Yikes... :shock: I've never seen a quad-colored LEDs... only bi and tri-colored. You might be better off using 4 LEDs. :?
I never saw them eighter. As far as i know off there are 3-color leds (red green blue). All other colors are made by mixing these 3
I would imagine that you are going to be limited to surface mount, or chip LED's since getting that large of a viewing angle is hard. Surface mount devices tend to have wide viewing angles because of the small distance from the die to the lens. You will also have to decide how much intensity you can sacrifice given the angularity you require. Off-axis intensity drops quickly in regular LED's, one look at the photometric charts will show that you are asking alot.

here are two makers that have pretty easily searchable lines:


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