Looking for touch panel

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Well-Known Member
Hello everyone im looking for some touch panels... Pref.. resistive...

The size i need is 1.8" or something around that size like 2" or 1.6" if they have..

I would like to add touch capabilities to my image viewer and am going nuts to find it
Here's one that's cheap and easy to use, it's for the Nintendo DS **broken link removed**

You can get the same thing here much cheaper but it takes longer to get. Shipping is free though. **broken link removed**
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I own one of those touch panels but its HUGE compared to my 1.8" lcd heh...

Let me take a picture...
Here are the pics compared... Its the size of my entire PCB but slightly bigger heh


  • t1.jpg
    22.2 KB · Views: 144
  • t2.jpg
    19.2 KB · Views: 129
  • t3.jpg
    15.9 KB · Views: 131
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