Looking to build a counting device

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New Member
I'm lame at electronics, but i want to build a device that would have either LCD or LED display with 3 (or more) digits. the counter would have a sensor that would increment the count by one each time a magnet passes in front of the sensor. It needs add and subtract capabilities (increment one or decrement one by pushing a up button or a down button.) It should run on AAA, AA or 9V battery. Where should I start to find a schematc, instructions or plans to build or buy such a thing? I used to have an exercise machine that did this, but can't seem to find such a thing on google. Probably not using the right buzz word. (':wink:') (help?)

Cool, thanks. One piece of the puzzle. I picked up a Radio Shack Engineer's Miini-Notebook Magnet and Magnet Sensor Projects book... It talks about Hall Sensors. Yikes. I "think" a Magnet Position Detector may be suitable? I am a total newbie. the Projects link didn't contain anything other than info on the chip you recommended that I found to be useful so far.

Once the puzzle is complete I will be sure and make lots of noise.
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