Lost and need help with pic

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New Member

For several months; I have read data sheets, micro controler concepts, purchased the Microchip Pic1 program and received several pics from Microchip. I have purchased Micro Electronics basic software Visual Basic for pics and have downloaded Microchips IDE software. Now I need help putting it all together. It's so much information overload that now I don't know where to start. All I want to do is monitor two switches and using a 5v regulator run a small dc motor. Can you help?


Look at the tutorial links at the bottom of this reply.
Nigels cover the software and hardware.
What pic are you going to use. You have picbasic pro I think that's what your saying
Micro Electronics basic software Visual Basic for pics
Here a simple wiring layout for a small motor up to 300mA


  • sw628a.PNG
    8.9 KB · Views: 146
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Thanks you

Thanks for replying so soon!! It looks like good information and I'm anxious to go home and delve into it.

I just found and joined Electro Tech this morning and already you guys have given me great help. What a cool site. I'll pass it on to my friends.
What pic are you going to use. You have picbasic pro I think that's what your saying
Let me no and I'll post you some code hard to do not knowing what your using.
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