Hey guys, im currently studying electrical engineering in New Zealand. I am trying to design a 1kW , 48 volts DC to 230 volts AC grid tied inveter that does not use a battery bank. We need short circuit and no load fault protection. The input power can range from 100 watts to 1200 watts max as will be tapped off a renewable energy source (will come online at 100 watts). Have been looking at using DC-DC amplification of the voltage source then using IGBT's in SPWM to convert to ac mains using a controller based off the mains itself to get synchronisation.
My question is what is the best DC-DC converter style to use for this, we are currently looking at flyback converters but are having problems with modelling them using TINA.
Have read some of the posts relating to this topic but I seem to be going around in circles with no definitive solution.
Is the flyback converter the best/cheapest to use for this purpose? am using DC-DC then DC-AC rather than DC-AC AC-AC as am lead to believe a huge cost is in the transformer where with high switching frequencies of the flyback the transformer can be kept small and therefore offer a cheaper device. Thanks for your help in advance.
My question is what is the best DC-DC converter style to use for this, we are currently looking at flyback converters but are having problems with modelling them using TINA.
Have read some of the posts relating to this topic but I seem to be going around in circles with no definitive solution.
Is the flyback converter the best/cheapest to use for this purpose? am using DC-DC then DC-AC rather than DC-AC AC-AC as am lead to believe a huge cost is in the transformer where with high switching frequencies of the flyback the transformer can be kept small and therefore offer a cheaper device. Thanks for your help in advance.