Low-Cost FPGA Experience

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I've been trying to get myself an FPGA for quite a while now with no success. I worked with a few Xilinx series but without a job, I can't buy all the programming boards and licensed software I'd need to start over. Does anyone know of a FPGA company that might grant samples. I'll take anything.
Even with a job it's really expensive. My best advice is to search for the "Starter Kits" and they (like Xilinx, maybe Altera too) have free software, for certain chips.

They do not grant samples as far as I know (at least for individuals). UNderstandable seeing as how some of their chips cost hundreds of dollars just for one.
There isn't much to buy, you can get a spartan development board for < 100USD. The ISE toolkit from xilinx is free until you get up to the huge FPGAs -- Well unless you pay for bandwidth, the download is over 1G.
Yeah, I'm hoping for something with Xilinx Spartan 3/3E caliber or even a CPLD like the Xilinx XC3____ series. If the whole package can be had for under $80, it may be doable.
I am pretty sure that the sparkfun spartan 3 board is 80 or less. They have a big one as well w/ power supplies, etc that is maybe 100 or so.

Software: Xilinx ISE Webpack is free.

Board: Try to have a look at http://www.digilentinc.com/

I'd recommend their Nexys 2 board for $99 much better deal than the one
from Sparkfun if you count all the additional hardware on the board ...

You can also take their Basys board ($59) but I think it is better to invest a little more and buy the Nexys 2.

I have myself Spartan 3E Starter kit ($149) and XESS XSA-3S1000 (www.xess.com) - this cost $199 but it has 1000000 gates FPGA - really nice one you can easily fit inside a complete system (e.g. an old 8-bit computer) ...

CPLDs - I have a really low cost CPLD kit in my mind but it may take a few months to make it a reality, too many other things to do ....

The chips are not really that expensive - of course I am talking about low-cost FPGAs (Spartan) and not the high-end (Virtex) and CPLDs even cheaper - for example at www.DigiKey.com:

XC9572XL-10PCG44C - 72 macrocell CPLD in PLCC-44 package - $2.04

It is a 3.3V part but I/O is 5V tolerant.

XC3S100E-4VQG100C - 100k gate FPGA in VQFP-100 package - $9.48
XC3S250E-4VQG100C - 250k gate FPGA in VQFP-100 package - $13.08

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Just a thought, check out 'MDfly' on ebay (https://www.mdfly.com/) they do a rather large Altera CPLD/FPGA (not sure which) which seems reasonable. Plus, as always, the software is free.

I got stuck with using 'lattice' devices, and they really don't cater for the non-industry people.

As for a programmer? Build yourself one. Both Altera, Xilinx, and Lattice have schematics on the web. Usually a buffered parallel port, pretty simple to knock up on stripbaord. Software is usually free to an extent, but IP cores obviously require an expensive license. They have to make 'some' money.

As for designs? https://www.opencores.org/ - all open source, and some pretty good microcontroller designs specifically for FPGA, in VHDL/verilog.

Ultimately, you're only real expenditure would be the chip. The lower end FPGA's go for about 6-10 UKP at Farnell. Along with a basic SMT - DIP adapter board, and some prototyping board - you have a development system. So ultimately, for <30UKP you can get started in FPGA's quite well.


They have an Altera CPLD board for $49 but still it would be better to take a FPGA board for $59 as FPGAs are much more powerful than CPLDs - CPLDs are usually quite limited in number of flip-flops available for your design, unlike FPGAs which are much more flexible in this.
why do not try to buy from Asia

I think the price of Spartan3E in Asia is nice. Why do not you ask Asia Xilinx distributors for help.

take XC3S250E-4FTG256C for example, USD5.60 for 100pcs

We are a FPGA design house in China.

The least expensive but single chips are not readily available.



I recommend Actel because they are low cost and the lowest power quickest startup in the industry. The structure that they use is fundamentally different in that the programmed "cell" *is*the logic switch instead of controlling the logic switch.

The last time I worked with FPGA's was in the 90's. The VHDL synth and complile tools cost tens of thousands of dollars like synopsis. Times sure have changed. Better for us I think.
As far as 'host software' goes, Altera, Xilinx, Lattice, Atmel, and Actel all provide licensed 'free' software for downloads. of course not all the features can be used, like IP cores, but for getting started its more than enough. 50K gates designs can be made using them.
But be warned, generally the software download is between 500-800MB. License is available on request.

Hardware, the chips are pretty cheap, and dev systems from china are very reasonable. Just check ebay.

As far as 'programming/configuration' goes, this is where I tihnk the FPGA/CPLD manufacurers let the 'beginers' down. Generally theres a parallel port version (and not all of us have native LPT ports on our PC's anymore), or a USB version, which, altera's 'USB blaster' is around $150, but xzilinx's is around $300. - Ridiculous.
So, if I were you, I would get a LPT PCI card if you do'nt already have one...or...design you're own JTAG programmer software.

One caveat with altera devices. If you use CPLD's with built in memory (not FPGA's which use external config) then Altera's devices are rated for 100 erase/programming cycles minimum. Sounds like a lot, but I have already bricked 3 devices by going over this. MAXII devices, which are like small to medium FPGA's, but with built in Flash, osc etc.. are like this too, which is a pity as they are cheap, huge (1900 registers?) and there are many cheap kits for them.

I'd go with either xilinx or Altera, since almost all resources on the internet are designed for those.

Best place to go to is:

fpga4fun.com - Welcome

There was a webshop there with fantastic little boards to get you started. FUll of examples and software for example projects.

digilent's Spartan 3E ktis are great.I have had the pleasure to work on them. Great support on Xilinx'x website too on how to use it.
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