Low edu. high ambition

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Don Wilson

New Member
I have always been fascinated by electronic gadgets and how they work.
Years ago when I was young, Dad was an elec. whiz. I have started reading a lot of tutorials and articles,just familurizing myself with elec. terminology. Is it possible for someone without (upper edu.). No college degree, to build and or design E.C.. This is something I would like to do as a hobby. Tired of spending my afternoons couch potatoing.
I am one of the hobbyist members on this forum and have no formal training in electronics at all. It is an exciting hobby and can keep you interested for a lifetime. You don't need a lot of mathematics, just common sense. There is lots of help here. Good luck. John
Thanks, is there metal detector hobby kit. For some reason I have it in my head this is to be my first project. Is that to ambitious?

I for some reason have it in my head I want to build a metal detector first, am I being to ambitious?
Radio Shack used to sell a Metal detector kit. Velleman makes a kit, about $22
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I was hoping you'd say Microcontrollers
I would find a kit and go from there. It could be a metal detector or anything. Try to get something where the parts are not too small, though. You will need to learn how to solder. I learned by taking old TV's apart (1950's). There are lots of tutorials on it, or just have someone who knows how to solder show you what the phase change looks like. Use leaded solder for learning, if possible.

A few of the members on this forum are into metal detecting. Maybe they will have suggestions for first kits. John
I am going to start asking a lot of questions and looking for solutions.
I have done quite a bit of soldering on guitar pick ups and hardware. Also I have done a lot of electrical lock hookups.

I am an other hobbyist and did at a stage make it my work but all knowledge i have about the mater i teach my self from books/magazines and experiance

the nice thing of electronics is that it is verry diverse what you can do with it on various levels

there is always another chalanging project if you want

wordt of advise do learn the basic stuff about electrical and the basic components (can be a bit boring in the start but if you have it in your mind you jump much quicker to the next level)

one thing you did already smart, you choose this forum as a back up

You can build metal detectors from this site.This site is maintained by a member in this forum.

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All About Circuits is a great site for learning about electronics basics and the different components. Also be sure to try out all the varieties of electronics out there. I've learned to really enjoy Digital Electronics, especially working with Micro controllers.

I disagree. He needs to know basic circuit analysis along with norton-thevinen equivalent circuits, KCL and KVL and nodal analysis. Otherwise, how will he possibly understand whats he building and why?
quixotron said:
I disagree. He needs to know basic circuit analysis along with norton-thevinen equivalent circuits, KCL and KVL and nodal analysis. Otherwise, how will he possibly understand whats he building and why?
Those ARE basic math skills. :`P
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