Low GPA!

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I have graduated in my university but GPA is low 7.1/10 and i am in about 30% top. Do you think this GPA is high enough to RF engineering job?
Yeah though many people find RF engineering difficult, it does not have any special academic prestige so no higher GPA requirements. I guess RF engineers aren't snobs...you do need to know your stuff though!
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When I got my degree there was no entry on my diploma or place for it in the apps I filled out, so I dont see that as an issue. If your GPA was low the question to ask is why and what can I do to improve myself so that my demonstrated lack of knowledge doesnt cost me my new job? Just because you had a bad class or maybe even a bad semester doesnt mean you are stupid, it really only means you should go back and improve your education in that area. Thats my.02, YMMV FWIW.
My GPA wan't stellar when I graduated. I didn't get the job I wanted at first, but I stuck with my plan, took graduate courses and kept a lookout for opportunities. When I discovered that VHDL and Verilog had become crutial to getting that position I coveted, I knucked down and learned them. That led me to learn more about other systems that interfaced with the logic. Long story short, just keep learning and striving, no matter what happens.
some people (include my teacher) say no matter what with low pga to do research but i am afraid of low gpa. you can tell me someone has bad undergrate but become a successful reseacher?
I guess it depends on what you mean by research. I do research every day ( it's the "R" in "R&D" ) If you mean a cushy academic research position, hanging out with cute co-eds every day, then you might have a problem.
The college GPA, once you graduate is about as useful as your "Permanent Record" from elementary and high school.
Employers for entry level positions will look for general knowledge in the field, any relevant experience, and a good attitude. At least that's what I wanted.

In today's job market crowded with loads of applicants, one needs every advantage they can muster. Having a good GPA is important for two reasons:
1. indicates one's ability to succeed academically
2. indicates steadfastness & determination needed to attain high grades

So IMHO, having a good GPA is worthwhile and worthy of mentioning in a job interview when appropriate.

Those two characteristics speak highly of an applicant. If the applicant also has real world experience or is saavy
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