Potentiometer Connections
Appreciate your suggestions. I stand to learn something here.
With regard to the current circuit...
Actually, I think it's wired incorrectly even for a variable resistor. The input should come in one end of the potentiometer resistance, the output should be taken from the other, and the wiper should be connected to the output terminal.
But, if it were a volume control, the input would go to one end of the potentiometer resistance, the other end would go to ground (common to both input and output) and the output would be taken from the wiper. Which end is input and which is grounded would determine whether it operates CW or CCW. (And ... I guess I should double-check the taper. That could be a problem for the apparent sensitivity in itself.)
I've attached a small diagram of typical potentiometer connections (from my store of notes and diagrams) for reference.
So, on to what you suggested...
I can imagine that this might upset the current version of the circuit unless proper capacitors were in place as you suggest. Where would the new capacitor be inserted and where would the existing capacitor connected to the wiper? Would the value of the new capacitor be the same as the existing one or would both be replaced with ones of a new value?