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I am doing project on LPC2106 (Keil C), my application is I want generate the different duty cycle PWM pulses using LPC2106 PWM channels.
I read data sheet ,but I confused with PWM registers configuration
Please provide me some details, how to use the PWM registers
Please provide me one example code for 70% duty cycle PWM pulse generation .For 70% duty cycle how to configure the regesters
(crystal frequency is 14.7MHz).

Thank you


If you are using the Keil Compiler, you should be familiar with their site.

Here is an example for the 2129, which should get you going:

You might also try the LPC yahoo group for examples.
Pwm Interface


I want control the proportional solenoid valve 0-24V, 400mA for flow control, for this I am using PWM and generating 1KHz PWM pulses using LPC2106 micro controller ,My software is working well.
I required some hardware help
How to interface LPC2106 PWM output with proportional solenoid, which is suitable for this application transistor or FET or any driver IC .
Voltage is proportional to the flow rate has given in the solenoid data sheet

Please provide hardware details & related sites.

maybe this is late but useful for others i guess

transistors can switch , but if they are to be switched at high frequencies, transistors are not good. Then its better to use MOSFETS

you can use IRF9530 MOSFET and build a switching circuit. take care to include diodes,

if the frequency is low, the solenoid will have ripples and will not work well it makes noise, but if the frequency is too high the solenoid valve will not move slowly in steps.
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