LPC2148 async serial baud rate confusion

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that or you might need a null modem.

that or you might need a null modem.
Nope. It's not that. I just had to have a closer look at the schematic and figure out which DIP switch did what. Switch the #1 on, hit reset and program away. Works fine. Switch #1 off, hit reset and the program runs.

Also, if I've been using the JTAG I need to power cycle the board before it's happy with doing bootloader.

It's inconvenient compared to doing it with JTAG, but it works.
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Mommy JTAG spoiled you

I can certainly see how nice it would be to program the chip direct from the debugger.

We are actually leaving the JTAG off of the display boards and going from simulation to hardware test through flashmagic. The power boards we are leaving it on since it gets hairy debugging PID loops and serial communications with no status displays.

We designed our own programmer and did the software for programming these ARMs (on top of the 8051s that we originally did it for-they use them in production and can program the programmer and then go off and use the programmer solo), but for some reason it was never released.

I hope that helped.

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Mommy JTAG spoiled you
Yes she did!

I can certainly see how nice it would be to program the chip direct from the debugger.
After getting accustomed to doing PICs with ICD2s and PICkit 2's, and AVRs with the Dragon, and MSP430s with my **broken link removed**, I am spoiled, rotten.

Last night, since I could flash the chip and had a working compiler again, I got back to writing some code. Then I crashed into a huge problem with Eclipse. I've posted my question all over, but no answers so far. Stupid thing has a default include path that's useless. There's a nice dialog box where you can give it more paths - I did so. The path shows up in the Includes folder in the project, just as it should. But when I compile it still can't find stdio.h or any of the standard libs. So my code won't compile and I'm completely stalled. It's very annoying!

I know, I could copy the file into my project dir, but I spent all evening trying to get it working the right way. Tonight, if I don't have an answer to my posts, I'll do that. Then probably something else will screw up...

If someone would package Eclipse with a good ARM toolchain, with an installer, pre-configured to work with at least the most popular hardware out of the box, the ARM hobbiest world would beat a path to their door. It's a real nice IDE, but such a pig to get configured (and buggy, I think - maybe it's just me).
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