LPC2148 PID Implementation

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Hi All,

For one of the product I need to Implement a Pump with In built BLDC motor with a LPC2148.
I am new to running a motor with a controller. Pump gives out a tacho output.
Can anyone give some directions to work.

The details of the Pump are
Diaphragm Pump 1410VD/1.5/E/BLDC
Datasheet: https://www.gd-thomas.com/workareashowcontent.aspx?id=22708

Controller LPC2148

Thanks and regards


  • Diaphragm_Jade_1410_17000540.pdf
    854.9 KB · Views: 756
Are you trying to control the pump speed with a feedback loop from the tacho output? That would require programming the LPC2148 with PID control equations.

Are you familiar with microprocessor programming?
You are right. The pump speed will be controlled using tacho output. I have no prior programming experience but have a helping hand for programming so programming is manageable if I have some data on PID equations to be implemented for this kind of schema.

Can you help me in devising the required equations for PID for running BLDC Motor on LPC2148?

Thanks and regards
There are many ways to implement discrete PID controller. The equations are quite simple. Important thing is to keep the sampling frequency constant. If you change the frequency you need to re-tune the controller parameters.

Usually electric motor controllers are mainly PD controllers because the motor has integrating term inherently in its transfer function.

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