LPD-6803 Pixel RGB led module (suitable for pov...) help

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(cross posting from View topic - LPD-6803 Pixel RGB led module (suitable for pov...) help • adafruit industries • Customer Support Forums, DIY Electronics, Open Source Hardware, Arduino)

Apart from the "dream/magic color" led strips featured in projects like
Too-cool Rainbow Headband
there are some other IC varieties of pixel RGB leds which have 32 controllable shades per channel which I am currently looking for programming information on.

In particular there is this pixel module which I believe uses a LPD-6803 chip and compatible controller I am interested in testing:

3 chip rgb through hole waterproofing led channel letter RFK12-3RGB Led Channel

6803 Pixel LED Controller RCM220-2000D LED controller CN;GUA products

Many other varieties of LPD-6803 based "pixel rgb led" modules can be found.

The LPD-6803 appears suitable for video and perhaps better for the POV strip application I have in mind. The only sources of information on the web I have found on this chip so far are:

Google Translate (translated from German)

https://www.electro-tech-online.com/custompdfs/2010/05/LPD6803.pdf (in Chinese)

and some documents I have not yet registered to see on pudn.com

This would be my ideal platform to program for on Arduino, so any comments or advice on how plausible this chip looks to control would be gladly appreciated!
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