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Well-Known Member
It's the cpu in a ViewSonic
LSC442883P it's made by microchip I think thanks for any help
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I just tried to find "wall mart". Most articles seem to be spoofs of the well known national chain. So I checked the Walmart site, and they don't mention sonyo. They do carry a lot of Sanyo.

Given that you have changed from a "sonyo tv" to a "ViewSonic", and bought one of them (the tv?) from "wall mart", I think it's fair at this point to ask you to double check the part number for us.
it's right I just had 2 boards I was taking apart 1 the tv and 1 the ViewSonic
So why do you want a datasheet?, pretty useless for a mask-programmed microcontroller, and almost certainly not available anyway.
It's made by mirochip it's a 40 pin chip but i say your right it
mask-programmed microcontroller, and almost certainly not available anyway.
but i can use the 24lc21a .
Well look at this [embed]<"">[/embed]
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