LT Spice Error

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Well-Known Member
I just downloaded the 74hc.lib from the yahoo LT Spice user group. When I run simulation, I get the following error:

Fatal Error: Unknown subcircuit called in:
xu1 n004 n001 n005 vcc 0 74hc02 vcc=5 speed=1.0 tripdt=1e-9

Any idea on how to correct this error?

Do you have a .INCLUDE XXXX.yyy on the schematic? XXXX.yyy is the name of the Lib you downloaded. The Lib must be in the same directory as your schematic, or where LTSpice puts its own subcircuits (On my installation it is C:\Program Files\LTC\lib\)

OPen the lib file inside LTSpice and check that it has a .subckt 74hc02 line somewhere in it.


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