Lt Spice Inductor saturation

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I've Googled around and found some stuff to make LTSpice show the effect of saturation in an inductor, but I haven't been able to make it work.

Just replace the value 10u with the formula below.
(Watch the 12.5 = 1/0.08, x is the coil current)

I think my problem may be with x. I don't get any errors, but it reacts just like a resistor. Can someone help?
Ron, I don't have your answer, but I would ask this question on the Yahoo LtSpice group...
Thanks Mike, but that statement above was Helmit's. I think I just haven't figured out the equation.
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  • Inductor.asc
    501 bytes · Views: 366
God, I am so dense. I kept trying to put something in X.


  • StepUp555.asc
    2.8 KB · Views: 339

The tanh() function models the BH curve, with H as the x axis and B as the y axis.
Since H is proportional to the current I, x would be the current through the inductor or at least proportional to current.
If you do a 2d plot of tanh(x) from say -5 to +5 you can see an entire anisotropic BH curve.

This kind of BH curve is called an "anisotropic" BH curve. Unlike a pure inductance that has a perfectly linear curve (straight line) it models saturation, but it does not model hysteresis. It does allow for faster calculations though.
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