LT SPICE need help

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Just I have downloaded LT spice software. I am beginner. I tried to make circuit. Can someone tell me how to set correct parameters for d flip flop. I wanted to see timing diagram
Right click on the flip flop to open the component attribute editor.
In there, goto SpiceLine and enter the following string

Vhigh 5 Trise 1u Tfall 1u

This will set the flip flop to 5v.. The rise/fall time to 1 microsecond.

There are more parameters you can add but this is the bare minimum you would need to get things running =]
Save and attached you file and one of us can help more. (.ASC)
I think you want to see the wave forms. Push the button that looks like a man running. Then hold the cursor over the wire "output". Click.
I think you need to set up V1 and V2.
Save and attached you file and one of us can help more. (.ASC)
I think you want to see the wave forms. Push the button that looks like a man running. Then hold the cursor over the wire "output". Click.
I think you need to set up V1 and V2.
I have attached my file.


  • Dff.asc
    413 bytes · Views: 414
Down load dff-ron.
Push run (man running button)
click on Q, D, CLOCK.
I changed your V1 and V2 so the on voltage is 0.9 and 0.95 so it is easy to see on the graph.
I named the nets with names like "D" so it is easy in my head.


  • Dff-ron.asc
    690 bytes · Views: 360
Thank you for helping me, but when I run your file. I get different result I think I am doing something wrong
There is a keystroke that I can not remember......
-Right click on .RAW window.
-Add Plot Plain---click
-move mouse to new area---click
-move mouse to .ASC window and click on net. (wire, trace,)
I am looking 74ls163 simulation model. I have downloaded lib part 1, part2, and part 3 From LTspice yahoo group. I don't see model for 74ls163. Also please tell me how to add components in LTspice directory.
Great tip- I tried setting both Vhigh and clock V to 5 and to 1 volt. Both worked. Thank you
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