LT Spice

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New Member

I am trying out LT spice and getting to familise it. Is there any examples out there which i can try out and see?
Please advise. Thanks.

Thanks. I had got some question.
(1) Let said i got a nmos as per attached and i need to do a dc sweep of both VGS and VDS and plot I-V Curves.I had created the circuit, but how should i plot the I-V curves that have Vgs = 1V, Vgs = 2V and Vgs = 3V?And from the curve, how do i extract the values of Vt, K, λ and γ?

(2) And also if i create a common source amplifer, how do i bias Vdc so that i can get 100uA drain current and how do i go about plotting the graph of Vout verus Vdc and the gain verus vdc?

Please advise and thanks a lot!



  • diagram of Nmos.JPG
    8.9 KB · Views: 481
Bias point solution, AC gain, and Curve Tracer:


  • DF82.png
    35.3 KB · Views: 422
  • DF83.png
    40.5 KB · Views: 410
  • DF81.png
    33.3 KB · Views: 411
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