LTspice battery symbol in wrong dialog box

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Well-Known Member
I am running Windows 7.
In LTspice, I have had the battery symbol in the top level Select Component Symbol dialog box, and in the Misc box as well. This was consistent with battery.asy being in both folders (sym and sym/misc) on my hard drive.
Recently, the battery symbol in the top level (sym) dialog box disappeared. I like it on the top level, because I use it a lot. In attempting to troubleshoot this, I deleted battery.asy from the sym/misc folder. The battery symbol still only shows up in the Misc dialog box.
Does anyone have an idea how this is happening? Any idea how I can fix it?
Hi Ron.

Something you don't mention is what version of LTspice you have....?
Duhhh... It's 4.12W.
Attached are screen shots of the dialog boxes, and the folders after I deleted battery.asy from sym/misc.


  • sym-misc folder.PNG
    104.7 KB · Views: 408
  • sym folder.PNG
    102 KB · Views: 371
  • LTspice misc components.PNG
    18.7 KB · Views: 422
  • LTspice top level components.PNG
    20.5 KB · Views: 421
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hi Ron,
I usually have the 'battery symbol' select in 'F2' > 'misc'.

To check for you, I opened "C:\Program Files\LTC\LTspiceIV\lib\sym\Misc" and Copied the 'battery' symbol
and Pasted the copy into "C:\Program Files\LTC\LTspiceIV\lib\sym".

On pressing 'F2' the 'battery' symbol select now appears in select window and if I select 'Misc' it it also there.

I have tested both ways to select the 'battery' and they work OK.


Attached is the battery.asy file, [ had to change asy to txt to get permission to upload]


  • battery.txt
    523 bytes · Views: 290
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Eric, it was working the same way for me until recently. I now have battery.asy only in the sym folder, but it shows up in LTspice only in the Misc select window. Not a major problem, just an annoyance.
I looked at your file, and it is exactly the same as mine.
Thanks, Ron
Bizarre. I deleted battery.asy from both directories, turned my computer off and back on, and I can still place a battery and simulate it correctly.
I suspect that LTspice creates a compressed file of commonly used files, and loads it each time LTspice is started. Maybe it looks for additions but not deletions, or some such nonsense.
I suspect that LTspice creates a compressed file of commonly used files, and loads it each time LTspice is started. Maybe it looks for additions but not deletions, or some such nonsense.

It would be interesting see what effect the next LTS upgrade to your PC produces.

I get an upgrade prompt about every 45 days.

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