LTspice D type flip flop: How to make it work?

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Well-Known Member
Do you know how to make the attached LTspice of a d type flip flop work?
The output is just stuck high
Woops is workign, pse delete this post if you wish


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Don't delete. This question comes up often. How does logic work in LT Spice.
I changed the clock source to 0/4V so it will show better in the output.
Changed DFF to divide by 2 counter.
Right click on the DFF and a window will open. Ref=2.5 Below 2.5=0 and above 2.5=1, Vhigh and Vlow sets the output pin's voltage.
Any unconnected pin = 0

Hope this helps the next person.
Prefix A
InstName A6
SpiceModel DFLOP
Value Ref=2.5
Value2 Vhigh=5 Vlow=0
SpiceLine Td=2n Trise=10n Tfall=10n
SpiceLine2 tripdt=5n



  • Dff-ron.asc
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