Do you know how to make the attached LTspice of a d type flip flop work?
The output is just stuck high
Woops sorry...it is workign, pse delete this post if you wish
Don't delete. This question comes up often. How does logic work in LT Spice.
I changed the clock source to 0/4V so it will show better in the output.
Changed DFF to divide by 2 counter.
Right click on the DFF and a window will open. Ref=2.5 Below 2.5=0 and above 2.5=1, Vhigh and Vlow sets the output pin's voltage.
Any unconnected pin = 0
Hope this helps the next person.
Prefix A
InstName A6
SpiceModel DFLOP
Value Ref=2.5
Value2 Vhigh=5 Vlow=0
SpiceLine Td=2n Trise=10n Tfall=10n
SpiceLine2 tripdt=5n