For the VS-E5TH1506 diode in LTspice, its spice model is as follows...
.model VS-E5TX1506 D(Is=476.13E-6 N=4.4507 Rs=4.4171E-3 Ikf=.92778 Cjo=220.63E-12 M=.40833 Vj=.3925 Isr=10.010E-21 Nr=4.9950 Bv=716.57 Ibv=25.865E-3 tt=16.371E-9 Vp=0.11 Xti=13 Tikf=0.08 Trs1=0.0005 Iave=15 Vpk=600 mfg=Vishay type=FastRecovery)
...the capacitance is 220pF as can be seen.....but at 200V or so, the datasheet says that goes down to some 20pF....will LTspice depict that?
VS-E5TH1506 diode
Likewise for the IPB200N25N3 FET...
.model IPB200N25N3 VDMOS(Rg=2.3 Vto=3.7 Rd=15.69m Rs=878u Rb=2.01m Kp=146.6 Lambda=0.015 Cgdmin=19p Cgdmax=0.8n A=0.5 Cgs=5.33n Cjo=8n M=0.48 Is=50.7p VJ=0.9 N=1.12 TT=150n ksubthres=.1 mfg=Infineon Vds=250 Ron=20m Qg=64n RthetaJA=40 Imult=35 Iexponent=.4 R6=8.62m C6=.798u R5=16m C5=.4u R4=93.2m C4=5.36m R3=189m C3=21.2m R2=198m C2=226m R1=28.6m C1=3.72m)
What is its Cds? is it the "Cjo"? (8nF?) Does it vary with voltage as it does in real life?
For the VS-E5TH1506 diode in LTspice, its spice model is as follows...
.model VS-E5TX1506 D(Is=476.13E-6 N=4.4507 Rs=4.4171E-3 Ikf=.92778 Cjo=220.63E-12 M=.40833 Vj=.3925 Isr=10.010E-21 Nr=4.9950 Bv=716.57 Ibv=25.865E-3 tt=16.371E-9 Vp=0.11 Xti=13 Tikf=0.08 Trs1=0.0005 Iave=15 Vpk=600 mfg=Vishay type=FastRecovery)
...the capacitance is 220pF as can be seen.....but at 200V or so, the datasheet says that goes down to some 20pF....will LTspice depict that?
VS-E5TH1506 diode
Likewise for the IPB200N25N3 FET...
.model IPB200N25N3 VDMOS(Rg=2.3 Vto=3.7 Rd=15.69m Rs=878u Rb=2.01m Kp=146.6 Lambda=0.015 Cgdmin=19p Cgdmax=0.8n A=0.5 Cgs=5.33n Cjo=8n M=0.48 Is=50.7p VJ=0.9 N=1.12 TT=150n ksubthres=.1 mfg=Infineon Vds=250 Ron=20m Qg=64n RthetaJA=40 Imult=35 Iexponent=.4 R6=8.62m C6=.798u R5=16m C5=.4u R4=93.2m C4=5.36m R3=189m C3=21.2m R2=198m C2=226m R1=28.6m C1=3.72m)
What is its Cds? is it the "Cjo"? (8nF?) Does it vary with voltage as it does in real life?
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