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In a superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) project, I need some help that how to develop a system using LTSPICE if a voltage sag occur, the spice circuit balance this voltage drop by discharging energy stored in the SMES coil.

Is there a question?

The SMES performance is determined by its controller

The demanded active and reactive power, needed to support power system performance as measured by
voltage, stabilizing power oscillation and improving power transfer, is determined by the control system based on deviations in voltage, frequency, and current.
This control system controls the firing angles according to the signals of demanded reactive and active powers.

My question is that how to develop a system using LTSPICE if a voltage sag occur the spice circuit balance this voltage drop by discharging energy stored in the SMES coil.
Perhaps you could model the SMES as a capacitor and model the voltage stabilisation system using a standard linear voltage regulator model?
Perhaps you could model the SMES as a capacitor and model the voltage stabilisation system using a standard linear voltage regulator model?

A sample circuit of smes is attached, I need how to make a system which detects the voltage sag which trigger the 2 quadrant converter to charge or discharge the coil.


  • SMES.jpg
    139.5 KB · Views: 373
Assuming 'the voltage' is DC then use a comparator and a reference voltage source to detect sag.
Study the example I have attached. You can use the BV to model very complex behavior...


  • DF81a.jpg
    218.9 KB · Views: 375
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