Hi Thanks, it now works to an extent, as attached (LTspice sim and jpeg scm)
The attached shows a 400w 360vin , 100khz, two transistor fwd with active clamp.
The LTSPICE Sim of this chipset runs so slowly it is of very limited practical use.
The dissipation in the clamp cap snubber is obviously too much, and was calculated with the damping factor of the datasheet of ltc3765.
The LTspice sim cct doesnt work at all unless you short out the ISMAG resistor.
The circuit works very badly.
There are enormous current spikes in the synch fets.
The Secondary power synch_fet turns on before the primary power fet....this is never wanted........you want the primary one to turn on first, then the sec diode to conduct, then the sec synch fet should short out its diode.