LTspice sim of Two transistor forward wont run.."singular matirx" error

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Well-Known Member

Do you know why this LTspice sim of a two transistor forward wont run? The error message says “singular matrix node N029”.


  • two tran forward LTC3705 LTC3706.asc
    12.9 KB · Views: 302
It ran for me (albeit so slowly I gave up after ~2mS), with "skip initial operating point solution" checked. At what sim stage did you get the error message?
Thanks, Ive got a bit further attached..but still not working


  • two tran forward LTC3705 LTC3706_1.asc
    12.9 KB · Views: 306
This is what I'm seeing at what I assume is the output :-

Is that what you expect? What do you mean by 'not working'?
..thanks, it should be working like this..(attached) giving 100w at 24v at output


  • two tran forward LTC3706.asc
    10.7 KB · Views: 306
I suggest you divide the circuit into manageable chunks, sim each chunk separately and hope to identify the chunk that's causing the problem.
usually if LTSpice has trouble establishing a stable operating point (errors are usually "time step too small, singularity matrix node(node-name)", or veeeeeery slooooow operation, it's because there's something causing the circuit to be unstable, such as positive feedback connected somewhere that expects negative feedback.
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