Yes, that works, I read your reply on my phone first, didnt notice the attachment, so followed the text, Changed R1 to 10k and added 220 to R2 to make it 690, it gave me just short ringing oscillation for a few ms that died away. I changed R1 to 22k and it oscillates at about 16.7 MHz about 7 volt Pk to Pk. I then tried your suggestion and it works. R1 and R2 are to simulate the already resistors in the TA7310 chip. So it works, my initial problem was I had the emitter resistor connected wrongly and I was also trying the old VCO block on a breadboard as well and didnt notice it. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I will have to figure out the sums now to see why it works, I didnt have a simulator at my school??, The only thing I remember now about emitter follower circuits is the voltage gain is less then 1, and they have a high input impedance and a low output impedance..???