LTspice simulation

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New Member
I want to simulate a power supply circuit in LTspice . but when I begin the simulation , it takes very long time and after two days it is steel simulating!!!!
during the simulating the " Damped Pseudo-Transient Analysis ...." fraze apear in software .I don't know my circuit has problem or my simulation progress ? simulating file and related library files for parts is attached . plz help me with this problem .
This image is your circuit in LTS simulation.

Note: the changes to the .tran, also added a simple load resistor on the output.

The sim hangs forever when using 'Normal' because there is a timing problem in the U3, TL894 Node 13 which LTS cannot resolve.

Goto Control Panel/Spice and select 'Alternate' [ not Normal] also set Ttrol to 7 from 1.

On my PC which has a 3GHz clock, it takes about 15 mins to solve to 50%, after the first few millisec there are no changes so you could shorten the Stop Time.
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did you design this or did you copy it?
There are some problems.
....U1 opto isolator has no function.
....why 8 diodes in the output when 2 diodes will work?
....E1 and E2 on the TL494 need pull down resistors.
....M1,2,3,4 have gate resistors. Why 1,1,100,100 ohms?
with changing"normal" to " Alternate" simulation is working and it is no error!!! but I want to have 1000 volt output and now it is 0 V!!!! 8 diodes for haigh voltege across the diodes. you were right and I placed to 470 ohm pull down resistors for TL4945. the feedback changed and the gate transistors changed to 50 ohm .
no I don't copy it and I am beginer with power supply designing . I ask you to help me if you have experience.
I do not have the your parts (494, 431, 2110) so I can't run but.....

1)Your PWM is not producing a output. It seems to only work form 0.3 to 0.4mS.

2)I know your feedback is not right. The emitter of you opto-isolator is not connected!
I can not see where the feedback connects to the 494.

3)The turn ration on the transformer is not correct for 1000 volts output. You have 50 volts input and you need to get 1500 volts on the secondary to get 1000 volts after the filtering. So you need a 30:1 turn ration or 900:1 inductance ration.
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