LTSpice THD calc bug, or my idiotic PEBKAC?

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New Member
Hi All,

This has me confused, because it should be childishly elementally trivial. :-\

I have a weird problem with a *trivial, trivial* circuit within LTSpice 17.0.31 for OSX. I ran across this while simulating something more involved and couldn't get THD down to anything like a sane value.

The pared back test circuit (attached) has a SINE 'Input', a 10k/10k voltage divider, with the 'Output' at the node between the 10k resistors. I thought I'd see 0.0000000% THD for both input and output, but I see:

Input: 0.720625%; and
Output: 2.1555337%

I can't figure out why, but wondered whether this might be a bug of some kind (either with me(!), or with LTspice).

I have:

.param Freq 1k
.fourier {Freq} 10 2000 V(Input)
.fourier {Freq} 10 2000 V(Output)
.opt plotwinsize=0 numdgt=15
.tran 30s

Input is set to: SINE(0 1 {Freq})

In the FFT trace, I see various peaks below the fundamental, at -90dB(*) and below, which doesn't match my expectation.

I may be having a breakdown, but if I'm not - does anyone have some pointers? Is this perhaps a known issue, or my expectations are perhaps askew?

Many thanks,



(*) - My bad - I originally posted -30dB


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