lumex lcd

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New Member
I just bought my 10th lcd and for the first time i picked a lumex brand.
I hooked it up to my standard lcd cable and nothing. I checked the lumex data sheet and they have power and ground switched. All the other brands (optrex -seiko powertip) use pin 1 as gnd and pin 2 as 5 volts.
I feel like throwing the lumex in the trash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
I hope the init codes are the same at least.
Anyone else ever make this mistake?
Only with character displays. Exactly what is the type and ID of this display you have? If it's a HD44780 compatible display I might have the init code on file.
Luckily the init codes are the same. I swapped the wires and the lcd is ok!
Maybe im stupid , but i thought the 14 pin wire was universal.
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