Mac Serial Port (RS-422 DIN-8) to RS-232 DB-25

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New Member
This page shows how to map the pins from the Mac's RS-422 DIN-8 connector to the pins on the widely-used RS-232 DB-25 connector. This is the first step in making a physical connection between your Macintosh and the lab equipment with which you want to communicate.
The easiest way to convert the Mac's RS-422 DIN-8 connection to RS-232 DB-25 is to buy a hardware handshake cable from your local computer store. Apple's recommended wiring for this sort of cable can be found in the PICT resource of the Apple Modem Tool, which is probably in your Extensions folder. You need ResEdit or a similar application to view this resource. (Note that there is a slight error in the drawing of the DIN-8 male connector: pin 4 is shown close to pin 5, but in real life it is actually closer to pin 3.)

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