MACRO help

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I've been fighting with this for weeks. I'm trying to make a project (just for learning) that counts pulses per 1/10th second with TMR0 from a 555 pulser and displays the count via PIC16F84A on a 2 digit 7-seg display for 2 seconds. I have made the circuit and code work with a single 7-seg(0-9 count). I have also made a multiplexed 2 digit with a typed in input number. I can't seem to figure out how to get the TMR0 count into the MACRO argument. (Another question would be,"where do I put the MACRO specific equates? Do they need to be in the MACRO? This is my 1st try at using MACROs. I lost all my previous files, so this is from scratch. The partial code is attached. Thanks, Aaron.

If there is a diferent, easier way to do this, let me know!


  • count2.asm
    1.3 KB · Views: 126
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