Mad wife

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Well-Known Member
I just want to no if I'm the only one that has a wife that get's mad when you work in the basement sure can't do it in the kitchen and when you go to work she throws things away just to make you mad???????????
Sounds like she wants to spend time with you and not you and the electrons. Try "taking her out" so to speak. If you spend enough time with her she will probably beg you to go back to the basement.

Just a thought...
Try to get her interested in electronics and have her make an own project. When she's done and you're mean throw it away for retaliation.

My wife isn't interested in electronics at all, but she leaves my stuff untouched. With the warning that doing it will cost her life she is satisfied with the situation.

Of course I also leave her the freedom to yag with neighbors for hours without objections.

For a quick and effective solution cut down the household money for replacement of the lost parts. It really works!

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I been trying to keep her drunk but thats not working i just got a bag of resistors came home and they where gone now what would she do with 500 of them and I needed the 1k real bad.
Haha. My Wife has a couple TV shows that she likes to watch and I hate, so I avoid her for that time, and she hates it when I make 'comments' over her shows.

I have a laptop now for home and I can work on programming are Eagle schematics/boards while I'm up in the livingroom.
I would say she is feeling neglected and that you spend more time with your projects than with her. It could be several things or a combination of them.

1. You actually are spending much more time with your projects than her (neglecting her).
A. Spend more time with her. Just sitting in the same room with her while playing around with electronics probably won't cut it. You need real quality time (and not just sex).

2. She is jealous because you have a time-consuming hobby and she doesn't.
A. Help her find a hobby. Work with her, especially at first. Help her set up her "work area" and show a real interest in what is wants to do.

3. She feels that you did something to her and this is payback.
A. Once again, sit down and talk about it. Apologize to her.

4. There are some more serious feelings that she has been tucking away for a while and they are starting to leak out.
A. Try to communicate more, spend more time together, and maybe see a marriage counselor.

Although our society tells us to blame others first, a lot of times it can be partially or totally our own fault. Don't be so quick to say she is the one that needs to change.

I'm not trying to come off wise or arrogant, just trying to help. Marriage is a precious thing. Work hard to save it. If you don't like or agree with my comments, please ignore them.
You have some good points but I think number 2 is it she will also throw my kids things away as far as time with her she get all she wants. I think she would like it better if I went out and got drunk.Any thing she don't like isn't good
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She cooks the food, you cook up new gadgets. What could be better than that? Technology supposedly makes our lives easier ( microwave, remote control, timers, answering machines ( are they still around?), voicemail, Google). If you make her a kitchen robot or control center, both of you could be spending quality time together on other things - like debates!
I just want to no if I'm the only one that has a wife that get's mad when you work in the basement

I think that is a very typical thing. I found that if I just listen to my wife while she talks for about 1 hour after dinner, then do some chores for a couple more hours, then watch TV with her for at least 1/2 hour, I can sneak away for about 1 hour to do some work in my lab. Then as long as I'm back before she goes to bed so I can rub her back as she falls asleep, there is no trouble at all. So simple! - Haven't you figured out women yet?

Well OK, I tried it for one day. But, it did work.
When I'm doing hobby stuff I closed the room door & switch off all phones.Otherwise my bits are getting wrong.

Electronics & Females are completely different categories.

You need to select 1 option not both.
This was about Electronics and wife's lol i just wanted to no if we all get the same thing nag nag you get it
Make damn sure you didn't do anything with that bag of resistors yourself before accusing her of throwing it out or something. Many times I've thought someone moved my sh!t, only to find out I did some stupid thing with it myself.
Ditto on what Duffy said.

Even if she tossed them she was justifed. If you have a hard time accepting that you may soon be single. Understanding is not required only acceptance.
I take it you have had it happen
Even if she tossed them she was justifed. If you have a hard time accepting that you may soon be single. Understanding is not required only acceptance.
Electronics & Females are completely different categories.

Not entirely - Sharp Electronics used to run a UK Service competition, which I won twice.

There was a separate catagory for women, and the same two were there evey year. One was an older women (probably around my age but very nice), can't remember her name - but her and her husband were always both there, both in the Microwave oven section. In the TV/VCR section (which I was in) was the other woman, a very attractive young women called "Estelle Sandford" - and she certainly knew her electronics.

Not seen her for years now, but I've just googled, and it looks like she breeds rats now? Looks like it's her, because she was always into caving (as was I), and other adventure sports (as I wasn't).

So it's not absolute that females and electronics don't mix, but it is rare.
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I take it you have had it happen
Not exactly. But, if yours did she was trying to get your attention, listen to what she has to say. Next time it will cost you more then a few electronic parts. Imagine getting tossed out and having her sell you $2K scope for 100 at a garage sale. That sort of thing.

We have passed 25 and are headed for 30 years.
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