Magic table

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New Member
hello friends
I m working on a magic table. I finished the electronics but need some suggestions on the mechatronics. the way it works ; when I clap; two(or one) doors open and where the food levitates from inside the table. later after eating I clap and the food simply dissappears inside it. Take a look at the GIF animation I loaded to explain how...Any bright minded chap want 2 help.?


  • table.gif
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  • table.gif
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Can you explain more about what help you would like? As it stands, when your food arrives you will have the table flaps sitting on your food. I would think that you need to either slide or roll the door out the way before raising the food. A simple scissor lift arrange would probably do for lifting the food, powered either by a stepper or a dc motor with limit switches.
Thanks alot 4 ur reply. the idea is the food would be pre-hidden inside the table; not exactly cooked food like pasta or so...its can be simply some dry stuff like choklates/nuts plate and drink in a thermokettle. So as one claps, the two doors open and the flat plate levetates. The solution you mentioned maybe the one im looking for, but the details maybe not that easy, how to ensure the sizzor lift keeps the table plane not tilted? how the make the two doors open in proper timing with levitation? do they need a seperate motor or a lever can b extended from the sissor lift to open them?
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