Magic: The homebrew CPU

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New Member
I am sure many have seen this before. I myself saw this for the first time two or so years ago. Just thought i would point it out... again...

The schematics are available on his site, as well.

I think this is a GREAT piece of work. He has some other pretty cool things on his site as well.
This is a nice site! Nice idea no mater how old, a great way to entertain yourself I like it!!!!!
Reactions: vdd
kchriste said:
You're really trying to drive Nigel around the bend aren't you?

Stop giving my motives away on the forum...

crusty said:
question is why build a 1967 computer in 2008?

Because i like old stuff. It works, and you can SEE it working. And, if you are feeling geeky, you can add and subtract from the system. Instead of buying new equipment all time, why not just mod the equipment you already have?

it might save you a few bucks in the long run. Either that or it will at least keep you entertained for a few days...
I wanna see someone build a quad core with wires and separate gates.
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