Magnetic Card Readers

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I Don't Forget

New Member
Hey guys, my first post here and its just a question I cant find the answer too anywhere so maybe someone here can help me. I have seen magnetic card readers for sale on many websites and they come in the form of a small block which you run your card through and then it stores it in the memory and you then plug it into your computer and you can get the results ect.

But I came across another website I wont list it here but the sharthandle is CRF if you can work that out hehe, they sell card readers but they dont look nothing like card readers.... its just a bit of wire with some little battery type things on the end of it. With manuals and cables ect but what is this thing for? I think its the illegal type where you make your own card reader in the shape of an ATM machine and then install these items for sale from CRF into the case and place them into ATM machines? Have I just got all this wrong or is this what these particular items are used for?
So are you wondering as to how to make your own device for stealing the information off of magnetic stripe cards?
dude, give the links and we'll explore 'em rather than reading through the myriad of semantics you posted.
You seem to be fixated with this subject. Four post all about the same thing. You should forget about this.

I'm not "fixated" on anything I just wanted to know if it was possible to do it as easy as they say in the real hustle. If you want I can post the video that I watched. YouTube - ATM Scam Video This is the one where its used on the ATM machine, but im talking about a modified chip and pin machine **broken link removed** but the same principle is "something" in the machine is changed or added to record the cards details and pin number.
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