magnetic field follower robot

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my lecturer ask me to design a control car that will follow the magnetic field of the wire.. it same as line follower robot but here the line is changed to a wire <i dont have any idea what kind of wire is that>.. a coil will be put on top of the control car... can i use the coil as magnetic field detector?what kind of wire should i use?how can a wire give a magnetic field?where can i get the circuit of this design?i stil lost bout this project.. can some one give a favor..
Hi..... Hope u r fine!

sending a current through a wire, that's create a magnetic field around it....
if you want a variation in the magnetic field you can use an ac current... wich can be generated by a function generator......

i think this pdf may help you (for knowing a sensor of magnetic field....)

about the coil... mmm... i have no idea


  • sc02_magneticfieldsensors246-247.pdf
    187.9 KB · Views: 1,999
Inductive Guidance

Hello, the operation that you are describing is Inductive Guidance. This is used by many types of industrial Handling robots to follow wire tracks that are laid in concrete floors (like warehouses) and by the various Robot Movers (Invisible Fence) and by the Dog Collars which stop your errant dog from leaving the yard when it gets to the boundary.

I have been looking at making a I2C version of the invisible fence so that Robot Makers can add it into their robot with ease but have got side tracked with study and making my CNC machine.

Good Luck
This may interest you:

Wire guidance sensor

There appears to be an error in the schematic for the generator. It shows pin 6 connected to pin 7,
but pin 6 should be connected to pin 2.
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line follower robort

my lecturer ask me to design a control car that will follow the magnetic field of the wire.. it same as line follower robot but here the line is changed to a wire <where can i get the circuit of this design?i stil lost about this project..
the sensor will be connected to a microcontroller which able to control the direction of the car
can some one give a favor..
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